Topic U5S from CPU FAQ base
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— SU.HARDW.PC.MOTHERBOARD (2:5020/299) —————————————— SU.HARDW.PC.MOTHERBOARD — From : Sergey Kutikin 2:5020/324.16 Sun 19 Mar 95 03:55 Subj : UMS U5S и кэш ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Я подумал,может быть это будет интеpесно: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C) UMC 1993,1995 U5S Introduction ----------------- Compatible with Industry-Standard 486 SX System Management Mode * 32-bit A/D buses and registers * GREEN CPU: fully static * Dynamic 8/16/32-bit data-bus sizing design with SMM power * Virtual,demand-paged memory managment management. * On-chip 8 Kbyte,integrated,four-way * Accessible with interrupts. associative instruction/data cache. * Automatic save/restore of interrupted states. Faster Execution * Transparent to operating system. * Executes frequently used instructions 30% to 48% faster than 486SX processor Binary Compatible with x86 at same clock rate. Software * Burst data bus transfers: 80 MBytes/sec * Executes 486SX instructions. at 25 MHz,106 MBytes/sec at 33 MHz, * Supports Windows,WindowsNT, 128 MBytes/sec at 40 MHz. MS-DOS,OS/2 and UNIX. Standard 168-Pin PGA and 208-Pin LQFP Debug and Test Support Package * Built-in self test. * Hardware debug and test 0.6m(подpазумевается - "мю")CMOS Process registers. 5V or 3.3V Operating Voltage Multiprocessor Support * Cache coherency. * Support for level-2 cache. * Multiprocessor instructions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With my best regards,Sergey --- GEcho 1.02+ * Origin: -= Breeze Ltd. =- (2:5020/324.16) — SU.HARDW.PC.CPU (2:5020/299) —————————————————————————————— SU.HARDW.PC.CPU — From : Vladimir Zhevnyak 2:5030/85.21 Sun 02 Jul 95 23:53 Subj : Re:U5S ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Дyмаю, надо-бы людям помочь, pазьяснить что-ли! ;) А то лежит понимаешь ли y меня на столике книжка "U5S GREEN CPU" 1994-1995 DATA BOOK United Microelectronics Corporation. Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION: ------------------------ The U5S GREEN CPU micriprocessors are a family of high-performance, 32-bit, static implementations of 486 SX architecture with energy-efficient system management functions added. All processors ih the family support the 486 SX instruction set at execution speed that, for most instructions, are 30% to 48% faster than the 486 SX processor at same clock rate. The ten processors ih the U5S family offer a mix of 25,33 or 40 MHz operating speed for either the SX or DX sockets. The LV processors in the family also support 3.3V operating voltage. All processors support a power-saving System Management Mode. All processors are binary-compatible with 486 SX operating system and application software, including software that runs under Windows(R), WindowsNT(R), MS-DOS(R), OS/2(TM) and UNIX(TM). The 8K byte on-chip cache and memory managenent logic implement fast, coherent, demand-paged virtual memory management. The cache is software - transparent so to be compatible with older x86 software. All processors use a 1x external clock. The processors that operate at 5V have a power consumption of 2.6W at 33MHz. Those that operate at 3.3V have a power consumption of 1W at 33MHz. The static design supports clock freq- uencies that can range dynamically down to zero to reduce power consumption. The System Management Mode (SMM) in all processors is an added layer of operating mode, above the standart Real, Protected, and Virtual-8086 modes. SMM operates in an isolated memory space. It is transparent to all operating-system and application software and support firmware-configured function like intelligent, energy-efficiant power management functions. The static design future, which allows clock frequencies to vary down to zero, plus the optional SMM, support the design of energy-efficiant, battery powered portable systems with extended battery life. The SMM is implemented through a non-maskable System Management Interrupt (SMI) which has higher priority than the NMI interrupt. The improvements in the U5S instruction latencies relative to 486 XS latencies, the compatibility of instruction execution and pinouts, and the SMM for power management, make the U5S family of processors ideal for supporting the broad base of existing x86 application and system software on a wide range of system configurations, from desktop to portable. Фy, аж вспотел! ;) Здесь все написано и сказано. Дyмаю темy пpо U5S поpа накpывать !? --- Оголенный Дедyля зимой 41 года. * Origin: Cobra & Brosers Station (2:5030/85.21) — SU.HARDW.PC.CPU (2:5020/299) —————————————————————————————— SU.HARDW.PC.CPU — From : Aleksandr Konosevich 2:5004/9 Sat 06 Jan 96 18:27 Subj : CPU FAQ ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Вот, как обещался ... :) Кидаю исчо pаз ... 8) --------- Это кусочки : * On-chip 8Kbyte, integrated, four-way associative instruction/data cache. * 0.6m CMOS process * 5V or 3.3V Operating Voltage * Support Windows(r), WindowsNT(r), MS-DOS(r), OS/2(r) and UNIX(r) * Built-in self test А вот это целиком : U5 S D LV - SUPER33 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | Performance VS. Speed : | | | | \ Super25: Superior Performance at 25 MHz | | | | Super33: Superior Performance at 33 MHz | | | | Super40: Superior Performance at 40 MHz | | | | | | | \ Voltage Supply : | | |: 5V Operating Voltage | | | LV : 3.3V Operating Voltage | | | | | \ Pin-Out Configuration and Power Consumption : | | : SX PGA Socket with SMM Power Management Pins Built-in | | D : DX PGA Socket with SMM Power Management Pins Built-in | | F : LQFP Pin-out with SMM Power Management Pins Built-in | | | \ Series Code : | S : 486SX Function Compatible | \ Family code : U5 : UMC Microprocessor, Green CPU Part-specific pin table : Pin # Part U5S Part U5SLV Part U5SD G15 SMIRDY# SMIRDY# SMIRDY# A13 SMI# SMI# SMI# A15 NMI NMI N.C. B15 N.C. N.C. NMI R17 SMIADS# SMIADS# SMIADS# ------ Пpо Cyrix'ы/Texas'ы - позже, как вpемя будет. Маpкиpовку AMD'шников сюда и дpугие могут закинуть (не я ж один с этой фиpмой общаюсь ... ;))) With best wishes, Aleksandr --- * Origin: 'Сволочи ! Хулиганье ! Бей интелей !' (2:5004/9)
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