Topic K6FAQ from CPU FAQ base
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— SU.HARDW.PC.CPU (2:5020/299) —————————————————————————————— SU.HARDW.PC.CPU — From : Mike Zhelnov 2:5026/28.5 Sun 23 Feb 97 20:53 Subj : K6 FAQ ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Hi All! === Cut === AMD-K6(TM) Processor Frequently Asked Questions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMD has been receiving many inquiries about the AMD-K6(TM) processor. In an effort to keep you informed, we are publishing the most frequently asked questions and answers on AMD's upcoming AMD-K6 processor family. 1. What is the AMD-K6 processor? The new AMD-K6 processor is designed for high performance running both 16-bit and 32-bit software and to deliver performance competitive with the Pentium Pro for both the Windowsо 95 and Windowsо operating systems and applications. In addition, the processor contains an industry standard, high performance implementation of the new multimedia extensions (MMX) instruction set to enable a new level of multimedia performance. AMD designed the AMD-K6 processor to fit the low-cost, high-volume Socket 7 infrastructure. This enables PC manufacturers and resellers to speed time to market and deliver systems with an easy upgrade path to future members of the high-performance AMD-K6 family. The new AMD processor will be manufactured using AMD's 0.35-micron, five-metal layer process technology in Fab 25, AMD's state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Austin, Texas. The AMD-K6 Processor Microarchitecture Overview delivered at the 1996 Microprocessor Forum in San Jose, California is available now. 2. How does the AMD-K6 processor offer Pentium Pro-class performance? The AMD-K6 processor's state-of-the-art six-issue, RISC86о superscalar core combines highly efficient RISC throughput with x86 instruction set compatibility to deliver superior sixth-generation performance. In addition, the advanced AMD-K6 processor design incorporates large split 64Kbyte L1 cache, multiple sophisticated decoders, specialized parallel execution units, a high performance floating point unit, and industry standard MMX. Together, this innovative microarchitecture and unique design techniques enable a powerful processor that delivers Pentium Pro-class performance. 3. Will the AMD-K6 processor support MMX? Yes. To accelerate multimedia performance, the AMD-K6 processor features high-performance, industry standard multimedia extensions (MMX). 4. What are the AMD-K6 motherboard design requirements? What about chipsets and BIOS support? The AMD-K6 processor is Socket 7 bus compatible, thus enabling PC manufacturers and resellers to deliver more affordable, top-to-bottom PC solutions. For existing Socket 7 motherboards, certain modifications may be necessary. AMD continues to work closely with its third party infrastructure partners (BIOS, chipsets and motherboards) to ensure their Socket 7 compatible products fully support AMD-K6 processor. AMD will regularly publish lists of third party products which support the AMD-K6 processor. This information on design requirements and availability of motherboards, BIOS, and chipsets will be made available once the AMD-K6 processor has been formally announced. 5. Can I upgrade my AMD-K5(TM) or Pentium motherboard to run with the AMD-K6 processor? Both the AMD-K5 and AMD-K6 processors are Socket 7 bus compatible. For existing Socket 7 motherboards, certain modifications may be necessary. AMD continues to work closely with its third party infrastructure partners (BIOS, chipsets and motherboards) to ensure their Socket 7 compatible products fully support the AMD-K5 and AMD-K6 processors. A list of AMD tested motherboards will be made available once the AMD-K6 processor has been formally announced. If you have questions about the specific requirements for your motherboard or PC to support upgradeability to the AMD-K6 processor, please contact your systems vendor or motherboard supplier. 6. Will the AMD-K6 processor be compatible with my favorite applications? Absolutely. The AMD-K6 processor carries on AMD's 15-year tradition of compatibility with the installed base of x86 software, as well as all major operating environments, including Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 3.x, MS-DOS, OS/2, Novellо NetWareо, Unix and other leading operating systems, and is compatible with applications implementing industry-standard MMX instructions. 7. What clock speed will the initial AMD-K6 processor be running? We are not disclosing clock speed at this time. However, the AMD-K6 processor is designed to deliver performance competitive with Pentium Pro for both the Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems and applications. 8. Is the AMD-K6 processor based on the NexGen Nx686, the AMD-K5 technology, or is it a combination of both? The AMD-K6 processor leverages the technologically advanced design of the NexGen Nx686 core and incorporates many design improvements, including: (1) The addition of industry standard MMX to accelerate multimedia application performance, and (2) An increase from a 32-KByte to a large 64-KByte L1 cache (32KByte each for instruction cache and data cache) to enhance overall processor performance, (3) Socket 7 bus compatibility enabling PC manufacturers and resellers to deliver more affordable, top-to-bottom PC solutions. 9. When will the AMD-K6 processor be announced? We have begun sampling the processor to key development partners. Production is planned to commence this quarter. AMD and the AMD logo are registered trademarks, AMD-K6, AMD-K5 and the combination of AMD and the AMD logo are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. GENERAL NOTICE: Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Navigational Tool Bar] Last Updated 2/3/97 й1997 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. === Cut === >2Moderator: извини, если пеpебоpщил с pазмеpом. <Ж-& Всего хорошего. Mike. Ж [BugsMakers TEAM] --- * Origin: shit happens... love happens too. (Fidonet 2:5026/28.5)
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