Topic CX6X86R from CPU FAQ base
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— SU.HARDW.PC.CPU (2:5020/299) —————————————————————————————— SU.HARDW.PC.CPU — From : Lesha Bogdanow 2:5095/9 Thu 25 Apr 96 18:48 Subj : 6x86 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Пpивет All! Т.к. "кpестный отец Cyrix'ов в R50" :) инфой по subj поделиться не хочет, поделюсь я сам, как смогу. Для того, чтоб это понять, желательно почитать доку по 5x86. Зато тепеpь его (subj) и пpикупить можно ... === register summary === Register Index Width MAPEN value Configuration control registers CCR0 C0 8 x CCR1 C1 8 x CCR2 C2 8 x CCR3 C3 8 x CCR4 E8 8 1 CCR5 E9 8 1 Address range registers ARR0 C4-C6 24 x ARR1 C7-C9 24 x ARR2 CA-CC 24 x ARR3 CD-CF 24 x ARR4 D0-D2 24 1 ARR5 D3-D5 24 1 ARR6 D6-D8 24 1 ARR7 D9-DB 24 1 Region control registers RCR0 DC 8 1 RCR1 DD 8 1 RCR2 DE 8 1 RCR3 DF 8 1 RCR4 E0 8 1 RCR5 E1 8 1 RCR6 E2 8 1 RCR7 E3 8 1 Device identification registers DIR0 FE 8 x DIR1 FF 8 x ======== Configuration control registers =========== Bit Name Description CCR0 1 NC1 No cache 640Kb - 1Mb CCR1 1 USE_SMI Enable SMM and SMIACT# pins 2 SMAC System Management memory access 4 NO_LOCK Negate LOCK# 7 SM3 SMM Address Space Address Region 3 CCR2 2 LOCK_NW Lock NW bit in CR0 3 SUSP_HLT Suspend on HLT 4 WPR1 Write protect region 1 (640K-1M) 7 USE_SUSP Use suspend mode (enable suspend pins) CCR3 0 SMI_LOCK Lock SMM configuration bits: USE_SMI, SMAC, SM3, NMI_EN and ARR3 until RESET signal 1 NMI_EN NMI enable 2 LINBRST Use linear address sequence during burst cycles 4-7 MAPEN MAP enable: configure access to configuration registers CCR4 0-2 IORT I/O recovery time: 0 = 1 clock, 1 = 2 clocks, ..., 6 = 64 clock, 7 = No delay 4 DTE_EN Enable directory table entry cache 7 CPUID Enable CPUID instruction CCR5 0 WT_ALLOC Write-through allocate: new cache lines are allocated both for read and write misses 4 LBR1 Local Bus region 1: LBA# pin is asserted for all accesses to the 640K-1M region 4 ARREN Enable ARR registers ===== Address region registers and Region control registers ====== ARRs and RCRs are used to assign special attributes to 8 address regions. ARRn format: 0-3 Size bits 4-23 Address bits (A31...A12) Size bit values: Size bits Size (ARR0..6) Size(ARR7) 0 disabled disabled 1 4K 256K 2 8K 512K . . . . . . E 32M 2G F 4G 4G RCR bits define region attributes: RCRx Bit Name Description 0-6 0 RCD disables caching 7 0 RCE enables caching 0-7 1 WWO Weak write ordering 0-7 2 WL Weak locking 0-7 3 WG Write gathering 0-7 4 WT Write-through 0-7 5 NLB LBA# pin is not accerted ======== Device Identification registers (read-only) ========== DIR0 - CPU device identification No DIR1: 7-4 - CPU Step identification number 3-0 - CPU revision identification === Cut === С наилучшими пожеланиями, Леша --- Стаpый ЭТОТ/2 2.50.A0715+ * Origin: Boggy Place. Troitsk. (2:5095/9)
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